“Boogie Base©” – a blend of fermented wood-chip humus, worm castings, activated bio-char & minerals. Give your garden the best platform for soil-success! Forms the basis for Part A of our Heavy Harvest Boogie Tea; also works fabulously as a stand-alone top dressing!
Boogie Base© is a superb blend of quality amendments, developed by Boogie Brew to cover all the bases in building a super-colony for your plants’ rhizosphere, (root zone). In this critical subterranean space, the all-inclusive mix of inputs employed in Boogie Base© work tremendously to maximize complex relationships between the plant, microorganisms and soil. A growing-media’s chemistry, including pH and nitrogen-availability, can be influenced in a profoundly positive manner by the beneficial conditions rendered from Boogie-Base’s unique combination of carbon digesters and bio-stimulants. Basically, if you really want to set the stage for your plants to dance, then provide them with an ultimate baseline of valuable ingredients contained in Boogie Base©!
BOOGIE-BASE© may be used along with other ingredients of choice in Compost Tea recipes at the rate of 1/2 to 1 full cup per 5 gallons of tea. BOOGIE-BASE© can also be added to soil at a rate of 2 cups per cu. ft of potting / transplant media.
To make a full strength batch, (5 gallons) of Boogie Brew® Tea, add 1/2 cup of Boogie Base© (PART A) to half a cup of Boogie Boost© (PART B).
INGREDIENTS: Worm Castings, Composted Wood Chips, Bio-Char, Trace Ocean Minerals, Volcanic Rock Ash & Fossilized Kelp.
Boogie Brew Open Source Compost Tea Recipe:
John Kohler from shares with you the Boogie Brew Pro Compost Tea recipe.